Latest comments

28.11 | 20:49

Darren is an amazing Medium not only his teachings but he goes that extra mile for people. Darren has spent many years in all aspects of his spirtual work and without doubt you can see it in his work

28.11 | 20:44

In this time with covid 19 this is most needed a listening ear. Thank you Darren for offering these services.

25.11 | 19:31

I had a reading today with Darren. I want to thank him as he was amazing and spot on with everything. I could not recommend enough

23.11 | 22:42

I have been in Darren’s mediumship and trance circles as well as doing a few other workshops with him Darren is an amazing teacher and works
With you and your development . Highly recommend


To The Darren Hart School Of Mediumship

The Barnham Spiritual Centre

Darren is a well-known medium & mentor here in the Uk and overseas, he runs both his development school and spiritual centre for the development of mediumship & psychic studies,

The Barnham Spiritual Centre in West Sussex is a sanctuary of love where we provide evenings of mediumship, for those seeking communication from their loved ones in spirit, the centre is a loving sanctuary for everyone who walks through the doors, we hold demonstrations of mediumship on Monday evenings and everyone is welcome, 

Darren has been running the centre for a few years and he loves every aspect of helping and healing souls at times of their life when needed,

For those who have been touched with grief we provide a beautiful environment for them to come and have a chat, we provide help and understanding to those in need, especially after the loss of a loved one, it may be just a comforting listening ear, but we are here,

Understanding their grief and what they are going through, will help provide the platform for the healing process they need in helping them move forward in a positive direction in their lives for the future, mediumship works in many forms in providing love & comfort for their healing journey ahead,

Darren has been aware of the spirit world always around him, and working with his mediumship for years working the platform and theatres around the Uk, teaching is his passion, and he has a truly amazing connection to the spirit world, this is very evident in his teachings and demonstrations, he has an amazing psychic ability,

Darren has a vast knowledge of the spirit world, and he shares this in his teachings to all students who come from all over the world to experience his wealth of knowledge in mediumship and psychic development, Darren is a spiritual healer and shares his ability where needed,

For many years Darren has been working as a psychic counsellor he has passed a diploma and is a registered practitioner in psychic counselling,

Darren has earned himself several certifications in mediumship and teaching with diplomas in mediumship and psychic studies, he's very proud of his dedication to his commitment to the world of spiritual unfoldment, 

Darren Hart School Of Mediumship is a professional development school and has an excellent reputation for the depth of knowledge that is provided to you on your journey of discovery in development, we pride ourselves on seeking the level of knowledge and support that we give to all our students at the most sensitive stages of their development, if your just starting on your mediumistic journey or have been working with your mediumship for a while, then we can help you to discover and unlock your full potential in your development, Support it very crucial in development and Darren provides a loving support to each student to help them to find the best they can in themselves,

We aim to provide you with full support and encouragement throughout your development, our circles are small so we can provide you with the best possible attention on a personal level,

Here at the Darren Hart School of Mediumship we understand that life has moved in different directions these days and commitment to a weekly development circle may not be achievable to some who wish to develop their mediumistic abilities, so we now have online development circles that are giving you the same opportunity to develop but from the comfort of your own home,

Darren's dedication and commitment towards his spiritual work is very well etched upon his truthful & detailed evidence from those who have passed to spirit, and this is what makes Darren stand out above others in his private readings or public demonstrations,

Darrens own development has seen him trained at the world's finest establishment and trained by the most experienced teachers,

His teachings come from a place of love & understanding and he teaches from the heart & soul providing you with the most honest depths of development and this helps you to unlock your own natural abilities in mediumship,

Darren has taught in various mediumship establishments that are known to many and he has been teaching here at the centre for a number of years in various development circles and workshops involving psychic & spiritual awareness,

Psychic awareness & mediumship is a natural ability that we all have, it's driven by our own intuition and sensitivity, personal development is a life progression, and it carries a huge responsibility towards others, all levels of development require dedication & commitment from you,

Unfoldment of your natural awareness needs support and encouragement as you will be developing your sensitivity, the early stage of your development is crucial that you have the right education as the knowledge you will require is what helps unlock your potential. It's important that who you choose to help you with development, holds a wealth of knowledge in the unfoldment of psychic development, as you will only be as good as the education you have received,

Development requires a wide range of knowledge from learning the basics to understanding the practical and the full purpose of responsibility of the medium, if you're looking for a quick fix to become a medium then I'm afraid there isn't one, to be the best you can for yourself dose require a personal input of commitment and you will only find this inside of you,

There are many mediums who jump into the world of demonstration without the strength of development behind them, and this I'm afraid can run the risk of premature mistakes and can have long lasting effects on people and their lives, being a medium requires a massive amount of responsibility towards others, the purpose of the help & healing of people who have lost loved ones is very detrimental to their lives and they are seeking answers, or guidance of some description to help them move forward in life, so they seek to the medium for answers or the guidance, if the medium is not trained or has insufficient training of development, then this is where the responsibility of the medium can be misplaced as there not developed enough for the healing and guidance required by the sitter,

A huge responsibility requires development and then you can be sure of being in a place of trust and guidance for those who need you to help them in their lives,

We never bake a cake without using all the right ingredients, Self-development takes time but lasts for eternity, as a school of development we can provide you with personal support and encouragement, we will help you to find the full potential in you to become the best you can for yourself, we will never promise to make you a medium as were not here to sell you false hope's, we are here to offer you the opportunity to unlock your potential, giving access to our wide range of knowledge and sharing this with you in all aspects of psychic and mediumship development,

We are a very honest spiritual school who have your interests at heart, and there is nothing more satisfying than to see people reaching there potential and using their own abilities in helping others in the world of healing, the real work comes from you, but you have us by your side for support and encouragement, if you are interested in development then please understand that you can have the ability to help and change someone's life in a loving positive way, but you have to do your work first and this is where we can help you, 

Remember we are not driven by sales we are not hear to sell you anything, we don't make false hope's, or tell you we can make you become a medium, and we certainly don't price our development circles as a quick affordable fix to gain your confidence, what we do is we provide honest support & encouragement to help cultivate your potential, we have highly knowledgeable tutors who have developed there mediumship over many years, who will help unlock your potential and give you what you need, when you need it in your development, our teachings are theory & practical and you will have the benefit of  one to one personal care as each person is tutored to their individual needs, You will have access to us for any help and advice needed about your development during your time with us

We also at the end of each stage provide you with a certificate of achievement for your hard work and progression in your development and will always help and support you on your forward journey into the world of mediumship,

As mediums we bring information from your loved ones in the spirit world to you, to provide evidence that life is eternal and that we don’t die , in bringing this to you we hope to find you comfort and love for you to be able to carry on with life knowing that you will see your loved ones again someday , healing the soul of others is to give them the best outlook on their life, so they can carry on living there life in the way they wish, and with the love from everyone around them.

Please contact us if you would like further help or advice on any development questions you have.

To book a private reading with Darren please use our contact page and we will be happy to arrange that for you, readings are via Zoom or telephone,

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Certificate & Diploma Holder

life is eternal, and love is internal, but shared in our world will create the life & understanding that we all want and seek to find,

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